tisdag 1 juni 2010

Mer selektiv migrationspolitik i Australien

Australien spetsar till sin migrationspolitik. Fler högutbildade specialister som efterfrågas av företagen och färre familjeinvandrare ska få komma till landet.

Immigration Minister Chris Evans said the government would cut family migration places by 5750 and general skilled migration places by 3600, replacing them with 9150 additional employer-sponsored skilled migrants. Healthcare, engineering and mining were some of the high-skill areas highlighted in the budget.

"These reforms support the government's policy to deliver a more demand-driven skilled migration program that meets the needs of the economy in sectors and regions where there are shortages of skilled workers," Senator Evans said last night.

Arbetskraftsinvandringen koncentreras till färre yrken.

In a major rationalisation, Immigration Minister Chris Evans will today unveil a new list of just 181 skills, professions and occupations - down from the 400 cited in the old list.

Butter makers, journalists, script editors, fashion designers, intelligence officers, cooks and hairdressers are among those culled. But other, more specialised, professions - such as pharmacists - have also been dumped.

Senator Evans said the new list was part of an ongoing attempt by the government to decouple the link between education and immigration.

"Australia's migration program cannot be determined by the courses studied by international students," he said in a media release yesterday.

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