måndag 21 mars 2011

Om vidarebosatta flyktingars arbetsmarknadsintegration i Sverige

Det är kul att se att det projekt jag en gång startade upp om vidarebosatta flyktingars arbetsmarknadsintegration nu också gör avtryck i vetenskapliga tidskrifter. Nyblivna professorn (grattis!) Pieter Bevelander har fått artikeln The Employment Integration of Resettled Refugees, Asylum Claimants, and Family Reunion Migrants in Sweden publicerad i Refugee Survey Quarterly.

This study focuses on the employment integration by admission status by looking at the outcomes for resettled refugees, asylum claimants (asylum-seekers who may subsequently obtain a residence permit), and immigrants who arrive via family reunion migration. Using logistic regression methods we estimate the probability of having a job after controlling for a set of personal and immigrant intake characteristics as well as contextual factors. The results of the analysis indicate that family reunion immigrants have a faster employment attachment than asylum claimants which in turn have faster employment integration than resettled refugees in the Swedish labour market. The understanding of the results of the analysis is that selection processes (self-selection as well as selection through policy mechanisms) and networks are important factors explaining the employment integration of immigrants.

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