onsdag 4 november 2009

OECD-studie om situationen för unga med utländsk bakgrund

OECD har gett ut en rapport som undersöker situationen för unga med utländsk bakgrund när det gäller utbildning och arbetsmarknad i 16 OECD länder, bland annat Sverige: Children of Immigrants in the Labour Markets of EU and OECD countries: An Overview. Jag har bara hunnit skumma igenom rapporten, men kan konstatera att rapporten innehåller mycket intressant jämförande statistik.

Några viktiga slutsatser:
- there is a strong contrast between the situation in the European OECD countries on the one hand, and the OECD countries which have been settled by migration (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States) on the other. In the latter countries, there is little difference between the outcomes of the children of immigrants and those of the children of natives. In contrast, the children of immigrants are in a much less favourable situation in most European OECD countries. However, the situation is not uniform. Differences in labour market outcomes vis-à-vis children of natives are particularly large in Belgium and the Netherlands.

- Preliminary evidence suggests that once in employment, the children of immigrants – in particular when they are native-born – tend to have outcomes that are often at par with those of the children of natives.

Sverige hamnar i mitten i de flesta jämförelser av hur barn till invandrare klarar sig i utbildningssystemet och på arbetsmarknaden, ofta på nästan exakt samma utfall som i Danmark. Jag återkommer med mer slutsatser utifrån ett svenskt perspektiv.

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