torsdag 12 november 2009

Över 5 miljoner vill migrera till Sverige

Gallup har genomfört en undersökning om hur många personer som permanent önskar att migrera till ett annat land. Den visar att 700 miljoner personer har detta önskemål. De allra flesta har USA som första alternativ. På kartan som visar önskade destinationsländer kan man se att mellan 5 och 25 miljoner människor vill flytta till Sverige som första alternativ.

From its surveys in 135 countries between 2007 and 2009, Gallup finds residents of sub-Saharan African countries are most likely to express a desire to move abroad permanently. Thirty-eight percent of the adult population in the region -- or an estimated 165 million -- say they would like to do this if the opportunity arises.

The United States is the top desired destination country for the 700 million adults who would like to relocate permanently to another country. Nearly one-quarter (24%) of these respondents, which translates to more than 165 million adults worldwide, name the United States as their desired future residence. Roughly 210 million adults around the world would like to move to a country in the European Union, which is similar to the estimated number who would like to move to Northern America.

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