onsdag 25 maj 2011

Ännu en rapport om invandringens ekonomiska effekter

Utredningar om invandring och välfärdsstaten står som spön i backen. Nu senast är det Fraser Institute som räknat på invandringens ekonomiska effekter i Kanada i rapporten Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State 2011.

This publication provides an estimate of the fiscal burden created by recent immigration into Canada and proposes reforms to existing immigrant selection policies to eliminate the burden.

The study concludes that in the fiscal year 2005/06 the immigrants on average received an excess of $6,051 in benefits over taxes paid. Depending on assumptions about the number of recent immigrants in Canada, the fiscal burden in that year is estimated to be between $23.6 billion and $16.3 billion.

To curtail this growing fiscal burden from immigration, the study proposes that temporary work visas be granted to applicants who have a valid offer for employment from employers, in occupations and at pay levels specified by the federal government and determined in cooperation with private-sector employers.

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