torsdag 27 januari 2011

Lästips II

Bra översikt om amerikansk migrationspolitik

Immigration Policy in the United States: An Update, Congressional Budget Office, December 2010

Poängsystem för invandring?

Selecting for Integration? What Role for a Point System?, Tamar Jacoby, The German Marshall Fund, December 15, 2010

Forskning om arbetsmarknadsintegration i Europa.

International Migration, Volume 49
, Issue 1, February 2011 är ett temanummer om arbetsmarknadsintegration i Europa som intresserade bör kolla upp.

...focus is on inequalities between immigrants and natives with respect to the risk of unemployment and to the access to highly qualified occupations. After having highlighted similarities and differences across those countries, we tried to draw some general conclusions concerning the main factors that may have shaped new immigrants’ incorporation into West European labour markets. In particular, the role played by the nature of immigration and by the labour demand seems to be crucial.

måndag 24 januari 2011


Forskning som berör Sverige

Carina Mood, Lagging behind in good times: immigrants and the increased dependence on social assistance in Sweden, International Journal of Social Welfare, Volume 20, Number 1, January 2011 , pp. 55-65(11)

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Volume 37 Issue 2 2011. Hela detta numret handlar om invandrares och flyktingars situation i de skandinaviska välfärdsstaterna.

Journal of Refugee Studies Volume 23 Issue 4 December 2010, Special Issue: Critical Reflections on Refugee Integration: Lessons from International Perspectives. Alla artiklar går att ladda ner gratis. Innehåller bland annat Marko Valenta och Nihad Bunar, State Assisted Integration: Refugee Integration Policies in Scandinavian Welfare States: the Swedish and Norwegian Experience.

Större rapporter från internationella organisationer

International Organization for Migration: World Migration Report 2010 - The Future of Migration: Building Capacities for Change

The Forum Fall 2010 Issue: Migration. Fall Issue of The Forum, featuring experts from around the world discussing economic, regional, and general issues surrounding Migration.

Världsbanken, Migration and remittances factbook 2011: second edition.


MPI, The Top Ten Migration Issues of 2010.

Statistics Netherlands, More migration marriages in 2009.