torsdag 3 april 2014

Nytt bokkapitel om Sveriges migrations- och integrationspolitik

I dagarna kommer boken European Immigration: A Sourcebook (second edition) ut. Antologin innehåller analyser av 28 länders migrations- och integrationspolitik. Jag har skrivit kapitlet om Sverige där jag sammanfattar Sveriges migrations- och integrationspolitik och landets erfarenheter av invandring. I sammanfattningen konstaterar jag bland annat:

Sweden is still, in many ways, an exceptional case in terms of migration and integration policy. It is, compared to other countries, relatively easy to immigrate to Sweden as a humanitarian, family or labour migrant. Once in the country, the immigrant basically has access to the same rights as a Swedish citizen. This migration regime has strong political support, despite a common understanding that integration itself has failed.

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