onsdag 14 december 2011

OECD granskar Österrikes integrationspolitik

OECD:s serie om arbetsmarknadsintegration i medlemsländerna har nu kommit till Österrike. Tidigare har OECD bland annat granskat hur det ser ut i Sverige.

OECD menar att Österrike saknar en genomtänkt och samlad integrationspolitik. Trots det är arbetsmarknadsintegrationen bättre än genomsnittet inom OECD, vilket de förklarar med en fördelaktig sammansättning av den invandrade befolkningen.

Austria has a higher share of immigrants in the total working-age population (17 %) than many other OECD countries. At the same time, the framework for integration policy is less developed than in a number of other OECD countries.

At 75 %, the employment rate of immigrant men is slightly above the average of comparable OECD countries. This can be partly explained by a favorable overall labour market situation and by the origin-country composition. The bulk of immigrants in working age were born in OECD high-income countries or in successor countries of the former Yugoslavia. These groups fare relatively well in the labour markets of other OECD countries as well.

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